Adding/ Editing Devices

5 mins

V6 ProV6 MSPV6 Core

There are three ways to add/edit a device in rConfig v6+.

  1. Manually via the devices add button on the devices page.
  2. Using the Clone button to clone an existing device on the devices page.
  3. Using the REST API to add a new device. more on this in the API section.

ℹ️ Once a device is added, a download job will start immediately. Check the queue manager and activity logs for jobs status.

On the devices table, there are a number of functions immediately available. From left to right

  1. View Device - Opens this Devices details page - View Icon
  2. Edit Device - Opens similar modal with all device settings for editing - Edit Icon
  3. Clone Device - Launches a new modal with details pre-populated similar to selected device excluding IP and Name - Grey Copy Icon
  4. Delete Device - Obviously be careful with this, but you are prompted to confirm deletion before the device is removed - Red Delete Icon

Device prerequisites

Before adding a device, you should have the following items designed and setup in rConfig.

  • Categories - Categories are used to group devices together. For example, you may have a category for 'Core Switches' and another for 'Access Switches'. You can then use these categories to filter devices in the devices table. Devices belong to one category, only.
  • Commands - Commands are used to execute commands on devices. For example, you may have a command to 'show version' or 'show ip interface brief'. You can then use these commands to execute commands on devices. Commands belong to one or more categories.
  • Vendors - Vendors are useful but arbitrary. For example, you may have a vendor for 'Cisco' and another for 'Juniper'. You can then use these vendors to filter devices in the devices table. Devices belong to one vendor, only.
  • Templates - Connection templates are used to connect to devices. For example, you may have a template for 'Cisco SSH' and another for 'Juniper SSH'. You can then use these templates to connect to devices. Devices belong to one template, only.
  • Tags - Tags are used to group devices together. For example, you may have a tag for 'Core' and another for 'Access'. You can then use these tags to filter devices in the devices table. Devices belong to one or more tags.

You can also search filter and edit table columns in the toolbar of the table. Note that the table is paginated. And there are specific actions available to filter for up/down device status. Device Table

The Device main page has a simplified view from previous versions of rConfig. From here you can view configurations, initiate a download, and view device logs, clone the device and copy the debug command to the clipboard. Device Main View

Adding or Editing a device

Go to 'Device Management/ Devices'

Click on 'Add New'

As soon as a device is added a download job will start immediately. Check the queue manager and activity logs for jobs status.

Device Fields

Lets get into some detail on the Device Add/ Edit forms.

Requried fields are denoted on the form with a red asterisk.

Device NameName field. Alphanumeric characters with underscores and dashes are allowed - Min 3 characters
IP AddressValid IP Address format only
VendorAs configured in the Vendor section
ModelCan choose from existing, or just enter new string
CategoryAs configured in the Category section
TagsMultiselect as configured in the Tags section
UsernameType manually (option to select from set of credentials when clicking dropdown - this will immediately change the inputted credentials on the form)
PasswordType manually or auto populated when previous is selected
Enable PasswordOptional if required or auto populated when previous is selected
TemplateMust choose, please see templates help document for more information
Main PromptPreferred to be full specific prompt, but regex/ partial strings allowed. Please see the device prompts doc for more information
Enable PromptPreferred to be full specific prompt, but regex/ partial strings allowed. Please see the device prompts doc for more information